Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
The website of NEXTPHARM Representative Office (hereinafter the “Representative Office”) has been created in order to furnish the visitors and users of with the up-to-date and useful information on the Representative Office, its services and products.
Being guided by Laws of Ukraine “On the Access to Public Information” dated 13 January 2011 No. 2939-VI, “On the National Informatisation Programme” dated 4 February 1998 No. 74/98-ВР, “On Information” dated 2 October 1992 No. 2657-XII, “On Personal Data Protection” dated 1 June 2010 No. 2297-VI, Directive No. 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995, Directive No. 2002/58/ЕС of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications) as amended on 25 November 2009, and other laws and regulations, the Representative Office hereby informs you of the terms and conditions for using its website.
This website of the Representative Office and its graphic, text information and materials published on the website are the intellectual property of the Representative Office protected by the effective laws and regulations of Ukraine. All the information and materials on the website are protected by the copyright.
All the names of the Representative Office’s products used on the website are trade marks. All the users and visitors of the Representative Office’s website may review and read the information on the website, copy the information, images, audio and video materials only for the personal non-commercial purposes. The information and materials from the Representative Office’s website may not be reproduced, distributed by way of sale, hire and in any other manner in order to gain profit without the Representative Office’s written permission.
In order to protect the information used on the website, ensure adequate operation of the website and optimisation thereof, the Representative Office receives, processes and stores information of the website users (visitors), namely IP address, date and time of the visit type and language of the browser, cookies, total number of visits at the website, number of visits at each webpage, name of the Internet access service providers rendering services to the users, in order to consolidate the data.
The Representative Office processes information in order to improve the website content and obtain statistical data on the individuals using the Representative Office’s website, to study the market environment, analyse performance of the Representative Office’s website and advertising thereof, and in order to confirm conformity of users.
The Representative Office may set Cookie markers collecting data on the user top -level domain name as well as the date and time of access and duration of use of the Representative Office’s website.
Cookies are the Internet identification files stored on the user’s terminal equipment that enable storing individual information on the network user.
The website user and visitor may set up their browser to receive a notice of Cookies collection in order to confirm or block Cookies on their personal or work computer.
The Representative Office has the right to process data of the website user and visitor only by their consent. The Representative Office and its employees adhere to the strict privacy policy, and the Representative Office itself processes data in accordance with the international safety and privacy rules and standards.
The Representative Office’s website may be used freely for all of its sections to be reviewed. However, some sections of the website, such as Products and Pharmacovigilance, require visitor’s data. A visitor may refuse to enter such data, but it will prevent the user from access to the section since it may contain scientific, specialised and professional information only designated for doctors, health care and pharmaceutical staff who are directly involved in treatment, preventive and scientific activity in the health care industry.
Consent to Personal Data Processing
In accordance with Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” dated 1 June 2010 No. 2297-VІ, I hereby give my consent to the Representative Office of NEXTPHARM to processing of my personal data, including the name, telephone number and e-mail, in the card registers and/or by means of the information and telecommunication system of the personal data base of the Representative Office in order to keep statistical, administrative and other records pursuant to the law.
You are hereby notified that your data have been included into the personal data base in order to keep statistical, administrative and other records in the health care industry as well as the Representative Office’s by-laws pursuant to the law.